UFO or unidentified flying object was another unexplained phenomenon in this world. The history of UFO began at late 1940s. It hard to tell about this UFO because it never been seen in Malaysia. It only famous in western country.

    Based on my presentation, UFO can be related with 3 things. The thing that I shared was alien, crop circles and kidnapped. UFO can be related with alien because people say that they saw alien in the UFO. Crop circle was something that happens mostly in England, it shows a pattern on a crop. This pattern drawn in a big scale and it impossible to be drawn by human. That why people say alien draw it with UFO. The third thing was kidnapped. This phrase mean human was kidnapped by alien. The human was taken by UFO through weird light.

     UFO also can be known as unidentified flying object. The definition from the Longman dictionary was ' a strange object in the sky, that some people believe is a spaceship from another world '. From the definition, people can assume that, UFO was a transport drive by someone from another planet. This UFO was so fast because it came from other planet. UFO also flies in the air and it was rare seen in the world. This because, in east country, people never report to the police station that they found the UFO. The UFO only can be seeing in western country.

    Alien, this phrase is relating to creatures from another world. Alien was the thing that related to UFO because they have same characteristic. It was, both came from other planet. Which mean, alien and UFO related with each other. People who try to take photo of alien says that, the photo of the alien doesn't in the photo but some people also say that, the camera can captured alien face. But the problem now a day, photo can be altered to make something different. Human face also can be changed to alien face. That mean, the originality of the alien was only fiction. We as a human can't tell the real truth.

    The third thing was related to the UFO was crop circles. It was a pattern that appears in British farm fields, which people believe made by creature from another world or can be say as alien. This crop circles have many pattern that appear in different time. This crop circles like a symbols and each pattern have different meaning. Human try to detect and analyses this crop circles to find out what the meaning of that circle. And now a day, they found the crop circles alphabet. The problem was, 80 % of crop circles in England made by human.


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